Start to Finish ProjectsOLD

Boulevard Garden Project

grass lawn in boulevard
Large boulevard garden before project
recently planted boulevard garden
Large boulevard garden several weeks after planting 
flowering boulevard garden
Large boulevard garden one year later

About This Project

The client wanted to convert the lawn boulevards of their corner lot to pollinator plantings, providing an opportunity to visually showcase the gardens. They wanted a boulevard landscape attractive to pollinators with a neat, organized appearance.  We created a design with natives, cultivars of natives, and other perennials with excellent pollinator value. We call this a ‘blended’ landscape. Our team also used the client’s existing pavers, matching it to their front walk, to create a walkway across one of the boulevards. Two areas of the boulevards were lowered specifically to capture and infiltrate runoff from the residence and sidewalk.

Design Elements

boulevard garden
Design of the large boulevard garden

plant list

More Project Photos

  • Nearby boulevard walkway repurposed client's existing pavers
  • Boulevard walkway after one year
  • Corner garden planted
  • Corner garden after one year
  • Planting the large boulevard garden
  • Large boulevard garden one year later
  • Large boulevard garden one year later
  • Large boulevard garden one year later

backyard Landscape with Purpose

view of house with patio from backyard
Before installatiion
Crew members creating new backyard landscape
Completing the installation
backyard stone path with beautiful flowering landscape
After one year

About This Project

This client was very interested in adding native plantings that offer a variety of texture and color throughout the growing season. They wanted to organize the landscape and to give it purpose. This includes native plants to attract pollinators and habitat for birds with fruit-bearing ground cover such as wild strawberry as well as trees and shrubs. For functionality, we added a path to the back gate and a raingarden on the inside of the path that infiltrates roof runoff from the adjacent garage. We also regraded the area to ensure that the garage stayed dry.

Our client sent us this message: “I’m still geeking out that on the hottest day of the year last year to plant, the majority of plants all survived and are thriving.  And when I see the oasis of green clover there, and around me the dry grass lawns of neighbors, I’m thankful for what you all helped to create here!”

Design Elements

site plan of backyard landscaping project
Site plan
Concept design drawing landscape project
Concept design

More Project Photos

  • Backyard before project starts
  • Getting ready for installation
  • Progress during installation
  • One year later
  • Native plants lining both sides of path
  • Wild strawberry for birds and other wildlife
  • Blanket flower adds color
  • Pollinator-friendly rattlesnake master

All Metro Blooms Design+Build projects start with an onsite consultation.

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