Rain Garden Care for Minneapolis Public Schools

Burroughs Elementary School
Longfellow Alternative High School
Northeast Middle School

About This Project

Stormwater features are everywhere! Many public schools capture their stormwater runoff through rain gardens and other vegetated stormwater best management practices (BMPs). Our landcare crew helps maintain Minneapolis Public Schools rain gardens to make sure they are properly functioning and compliant with City of Minneapolis requirements. Cutting back dead plant material, weeding, and removing anything blocking rain garden inlets helps them keep capturing stormwater runoff and protecting water quality all while creating large areas of pollinator habitat.

Stormwater Inspections

Person evaluating landscape

We also provide inspection and reporting services for Minneapolis Public Schools and other municipal clients, including for underground infiltration systems. We develop operations and maintenance (O&M) plans, assist with City of Minneapolis stormwater fee credit applications, report on stormwater practices (including Minneapolis Chapter 54 compliance reporting).


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