Boulevard Gardens

grass lawn in boulevard
Large boulevard garden before project
recently planted boulevard garden
Several weeks after planting
One year later

About This Project

The client wanted to convert the lawn boulevards of their corner lot to pollinator plantings, providing an opportunity to visually showcase the gardens. They wanted a boulevard landscape attractive to pollinators with a neat, organized appearance.  We created a design with natives, cultivars of natives, and other perennials with excellent pollinator value. We call this a ‘blended’ landscape. Our team also used the client’s existing pavers, matching it to their front walk, to create a walkway across one of the boulevards. Two areas of the boulevards were lowered specifically to capture and infiltrate runoff from the residence and sidewalk.

Design Elements

boulevard gardenplant list

More Boulevard Project Photos

  • preparing for underneath paver walkway
  • paver walkway
  • garden just planted on street corner
  • garden on street corner in bloom
  • two people planting a boulevard garden
  • flowering garden in boulevard
  • flowering plants in boulevard garden
  • flowering plants in boulevard garden